
We are actively seeking talented postdoctoral researchers, graduate (Ph.D. and Master’s), and undergraduate students (專題生), to join our team.

For undergraduate and Master’s students:

No prior experience in programming language, quantum mechanics calculations, or numerical simulations? No problem!
Our lab offers comprehensive tutorials and training tasks to guide you through the learning process, step by step.

Additionally, we encourage our graduate students to seize opportunities for international exchange/visits with our collaborators. Through our strong connections with the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS, 日本國立物質材料研究機構), Prof. Tian annually recommends exceptional graduate students for the NIMS internship program. This 3-month program, based in Tsukuba, Japan, offers full funding covering accommodation and a stipend for living expenses.

Students approved for this program with full funding:
Phoenix Lu (陸飛鳳), 2023/07 – 2023/10
Hong-Zhang Huang (黃泓璋), 2024/08 – 2024/11

If you have other aspirations, such as gaining research experience in our lab and applying to schools or institutes for degrees in other countries. feel free to reach out to us or Prof. Tian. We’re here to explore how we can assist you in pursuing your personal goals.

For Ph.D. students:

We enthusiastically welcome Ph.D. students from diverse academic backgrounds, including Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, and more. While prior experience in quantum mechanics calculations, molecular dynamics, or numerical simulations is not mandatory, it is recommended for applicants to our Ph.D. program.

Currently, Ph.D. students in our group can get a stipend starting from a minimum of 50,000 TWD/month for Ph.D. students, though slots are limited. This stipend comprises 40,000 TWD from the Academy of Innovative Semiconductor and Sustainable Manufacturing (半導體學院) at NCKU and an additional 10,000 TWD from the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). Furthermore, our lab frequently collaborates with industry companies on various projects, offering additional stipends to Ph.D. students involved in these initiatives.

Prof. Tian strongly encourages Ph.D. students to gain international experience whenever possible. With our lab’s established network and collaborations with professors and researchers in the USA, Germany, and Japan, Prof. Tian often recommends talented Ph.D. students to apply for the NSTC-千里馬計畫 or the NIMS International Cooperative Graduate Program (ICGP). These programs provide financial support for Ph.D. students to engage in research for periods ranging from 6 to 12 months. Such opportunities not only allow students to collaborate with international researchers but also to immerse themselves in different cultures, fostering personal and academic growth.